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Viewing PDF reports

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PDF reports are available as part of the Enterprise Edition and above.

PDF reports give a periodic, high-level overview of the code quality and security of your projects, applications, or portfolios.

The reports focus mainly on new code and quality gate conditions. This means that, if there are failing conditions on the overall code, they will appear in the report as well.

Project and application PDF reports

You can download PDF reports for a permanent branch of a project and subscribe to regular updates. The frequency with which you receive reports is set by a project or system administrator.

To download a PDF report for a project or application:

  1. Retrieve the project or application.
  2. In the upper right corner of the Overview page, select Project PDF report and Download or Subscribe to report.

Portfolio PDF reports

On a portfolio home page, you can download a PDF overview of the portfolio by selecting Download as PDF from the upper-right corner. This is really convenient, for example, if you're going into a meeting where you may not have access to your SonarQube instance.

You can subscribe to receive a PDF by email by selecting Subscribe from the "Portfolio PDF Report" dropdown. The default subscription frequency is monthly, but a portfolio administrator can change it

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