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10.6 | Server installation and setup | Installation requirements | Database requirements

Database requirements

The table below lists the supported database engines.

Database engineRequirement
PostgreSQLVersion: 11 to 15
Microsoft SQL server


  • 2022 (MSSQL Server 16.0); 2019 (MSSQL Server 15.0); 2017 (MSSQL Server 14.0); 2016 (MSSQL Server 13.0); 2014 (MSSQL Server 12.0).
  • With bundled Microsoft JDBC driver.


  • Express Edition is supported.
  • Windows and SQL Server authentication are both supported.

Version: 21C, 19C, XE Editions

Recommendation: Use the latest Oracle JDBC driver.


  • The driver ojdbc14.jar is not supported.
  • Only the thin mode is supported, not OCI.
  • Only MAX_STRING_SIZE=STANDARD parameter is supported, not EXTENDED.
  • The Oracle JDBC driver versions and have major bugs, and are not recommended for use with SonarQube (see more details).

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