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Questions and feedback

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The Sonar Community

For SonarLint support questions ("How do I?", "I got this error, why?", ...), please first read the FAQ to learn how to get your logs, then head to the SonarSource forum and find your dedicated SonarLint channel. Before creating a new topic, please check if your question has already been answered because there is a chance that someone has already had the same issue.

When creating a new topic, please describe your issue with as much detail as possible. Please use this template:

  • Your IDE flavor/version/OS (when applicable): example: Eclipse 2023-09 on MacOSX
  • Your SonarLint version:
  • Is Connected Mode used (Y/N):
    • If yes, to which version of SonarQube, or is it SonarCloud?
  • If you are using the Connected Mode on SonarQube, what are the installed analyzers? You can easily get a list by opening https://<SQ server>/api/plugins/installed in a Web browser.
  • Please include the full stacktrace of the error and logs with Verbose output and Analysis logs enabled. See your IDE-specific Troubleshooting page for detailed instructions to get these logs.

Be aware that the Sonar Community Forum is a community, and the standard pleasantries are expected (Hello, Thank you, I appreciate the reply, etc). If you don't get an answer to your thread, please wait for at least three days before bumping it. Operators are not standing by, but the Teams and Community Managers know that your questions are important. 

How to contribute

If you would like to see a new feature, check out the PM for a Day page! There we provide a forum to discuss your needs and offer you a chance to engage the Product Manager and development teams directly. Feel free to add to an ongoing discussion or create a new thread if you have something new to bring up.

Contributing code

Please be aware that we are not actively looking for feature contributions. The truth is that it's extremely difficult for someone outside SonarSource to comply with our roadmap and expectations. Therefore, we typically only accept minor cosmetic changes and typo fixes.

With that in mind, if you would like to submit a code contribution, please create a pull request for in the appropriate SonarLint repository: 

Please explain your motives to contribute the change, describe what problem you are trying to fix, and tell us what improvement you are trying to make. The SonarLint Team will review the PR and discuss internally how it aligns with the roadmap.

When preparing your code, please follow our code style and check that all tests are passing.

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