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IntelliJ | Getting started | Requirements


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Each IDE extension of SonarLint has its own requirements to work properly with the most recent releases.


SonarLint integrates with most JetBrains IDEs including IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, WebStorm, PHPStorm, PyCharm, Rider, Android Studio & RubyMine, and runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux OS. Please check the SonarLint documentation on Rules and languages to see a matrix showing which languages work with which Jet Brains family IDE.

SonarLint requires your IDE to be run with a JVM 17+; this is the case for all recent JetBrains IDEs. A full compatibility matrix showing which SonarLint and IntelliJ versions match is available on the JetBrains Marketplace Plugin Versions page.

Language-specific requirements

C# analysis

The SonarSource C# analyzer is written as a Roslyn analyzer and requires the use of the JetBrains Rider IDE.  Please see the Supported features in Rider article for more information.


SonarLint for IntelliJ will check your code against Go rules using either GoLand or the Go plugin extension for IntelliJ.

JS/TS/CSS analysis

The analysis of JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS code requires Node.js >= 16; Node.js >= 18 is recommended.

PL/SQL analysis

The support for PL/SQL analysis is only available together with Commercial Editions of SonarQube or with SonarCloud when running in Connected Mode. In addition, the Database Tools extension is required to complete the local analysis in IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, or WebStorm.

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