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SonarCloud | Appendices | Project information

Project information

On this page

The Project > Information page is accessed by clicking on Information in the project navigation:

Where to find all of your SonarCloud project Information in one place.

This page displays the following information about your project.


You can include dynamic SonarCloud badges on your web pages to display information about your project such as: 

  • The current value of specific metrics
  • The current quality gate status
  • The fact that you are using SonarCloud

Markdown snippets and simple image URLs are provided.


You can choose to receive email notifications when specific events occur in your project.

About this project

This section displays your customizable details about your project.

Project and organization keys

The project and organization keys are displayed here. These keys are needed by SonarLint to run in Connected Mode. Please check the SonarLint documentation for the details about setting up Connected Mode:

Last analysis method

This section displays the method used for the most recent analysis of this project. If the last analysis was done by automatic analysis, this section will display Analyzed by SonarCloud. If the last analysis was done by CI-based analysis, the CI system used will be indicated.

Quality gate

This section displayed the quality gate currently being used for this project.

Quality profiles

This section displays the quality profile currently being used for this project. If the project contains multiple languages then the profile for each language is shown.

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