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SonarCloud | Appendices | Indirect taxes

Indirect taxes

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Depending on where your business is located, you may be charged taxes in addition to your subscription fee. Tax rates can vary by country, state, and zip code. These amounts can change over time with local tax requirements.

Note: This requirement applies to customers who have subscribed to a paid plan only.

I’ve moved since I started my paid plan. Will I pay the same sales taxes?

If you've moved since you purchased your subscription and you want to update your billing details, please go to Your Organization > Billing & Upgrade. We will calculate and charge you the appropriate rate for your new company address. 

How do you decide how much tax to charge me?

Tax rates are calculated based on the tax laws where you live. SonarCloud determines where you live based on the country, state/county, street number, and ZIP Code that you provided when you purchased your subscription. 

In order to accurately calculate the sales tax that you will have to pay on top of your subscription fee, all customers now must enter their full company billing address, including a ZIP code,  in the required fields when entering their payment card information.

You can always see the details of what you’re being charged by looking at your invoices. Go to Your Organization > Billing & Upgrade > Payment history to download your recent invoices or set up email notifications for new invoices.

For more information on how payment and billing work, see Payments and Pricing.

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