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Managing your organization's subscription payment

On this page

This page explains the billing model and how to update your payment method, update your billing information, get invoices, and view indirect taxes.

Billing model

In SonarCloud each Team or Enterprise plan organization is billed separately. You can be billed monthly or yearly. Payment information is always specific to a particular organization, it is not tied to the DevOps platform account that you signed in with.

Billing methods

You can use the following billing methods:

  • Monthly with credit card: You have to provide your credit card details and your credit card will be automatically charged every month: see below.
    This method is supported only for the Team plan.
  • Custom with coupon: You must contact our team to purchase a coupon, which is usually valid for one year.
    This method is supported for the Team and Enterprise plans.
Free trial

When you sign up for a monthly paid plan (with credit card payment), a 14-days free trial is offered. 

If you sign up with a coupon, a custom trial may be associated with the coupon.

Automatic renewal of monthly subscriptions

Paid plan subscriptions automatically renew every month by automatically charging your credit card.

If the renewal payment fails or your coupon expires

If your credit card is rejected multiple times or if your coupon expires, your private projects will be suspended. New analyses will no longer be possible on those projects but all your data will be preserved. The private projects will remain private, nothing will be deleted, and organization members will still be able to access all the data of these projects.

You can re-activate these projects simply by correcting your credit card problem and re-entering the credit card information (even if it is the same as your previous one), or entering a new coupon to trigger a new charge.

If you abandon your account by failing to renew or update payment information for a long period of time, your private projects will eventually be deleted. However, we will always attempt to reach out and warn you to remedy the situation before this happens.

Updating your payment method

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade page. 
  3. In the Payment method section, select Edit. The Update payment method page opens.
  4. Update the payment details and select Save.

Getting invoices

You can download PDF invoices for every payment and you can get invoices by email.

To view and manage your invoices:

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Open the Billing & Upgrade page. The invoices are displayed in the Payment history section.
  3. To receive invoices by email select the Send the monthly receipt to this email option.

Viewing the indirect taxes

Depending on where your business is located, you may be charged taxes in addition to your paid plan subscription fee. Tax rates are calculated based on the tax laws where you live. SonarCloud determines where you live based on the country, state/county, street number, and ZIP Code that you provided when you purchased your subscription. 

To view the details of what you’re being charged (indirect taxes), look at your invoices: see Getting invoices on this page.

Editing your billing information

  1. Retrieve the organization.
  2. Select the Billing & Upgrade tab.
  3. In the Billing information section, select Edit. The Update billing information page opens.
  4. Update the billing details and select Save.

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